Three big events for the
Children/Youth this summer!
1. Vacation Bible Schools -
Asbury,Limeton,Bennets Chapel
2. Impact The Valley Camp
Front Royal Camp Ground July18-23 youth and Leaders serving
Warren/Fredrick County
3. Camp Overlook Summer Program
Overlook Summer Programs!!
Camp Overlook offers a variety of programs during the summer months
Day Camp grades 1-3
ChrisKids grades 3-6
C.S.I. : Mission grades 7-12
Joyful Noise grades 3-9
Tadpoles grades 2-3
Voyagers grades 6-9
Pathfinders grades 7-10
Adventure Quest grades 8-11
Art_Camp grades 6-8
All God's Children Camp September 24-26, 2010
Kamp 4 Kids May 7-8, grades 1-3
The summer camp programs are designed to:
* Create a Christian environment in an out-of-doors setting that will
be conducive to personal and group experiences with God and learning
His will for our lives.
* Provide experiences away from home to develop
self-reliance and dependability.
* Awaken within each person a sense of wonder, an awareness of God's
creative power in the physical universe, and a sense of responsibility
for conservation of these physical and natural resources for humankind.
* Encourage mutual understanding and deep
appreciation between all individuals.
* Assist all persons in making meaningful in their lives the teachings
of Jesus and the experiences of humankind recorded in the Bible.
would be great if we could print up a few of the brochures from web
site(some attached), provide links on web page and news letter info to
let the children and youth know about the events. Suggest that
church sponsor (pay half) for at least 2 children/youth from each church.